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An easy way to calculate and see how it was done

An easy way to calculate and see how it was done

Vote: (62 votes)

Program license: Free

Developer: Mathsolver


Works under: Windows


Program license

(62 votes)





Works under:


Mathematics can often seem like a daunting field, especially for those who do not consider it their strong suit. With Math Solver for Windows, however, the complex world of numerals and equations becomes far more approachable.

Comprehensive Problem Solver

Math Solver is a dynamic tool designed to tackle a broad range of mathematics problems. Whether you're grappling with basic arithmetic or delving into more sophisticated geometric functions, Math Solver stands ready to assist. It doesn't just provide the solution; it offers an in-depth breakdown of the problem-solving process. The capability to graph equations enriches the learning experience, making it easier for users to visualize and understand mathematical concepts.

Additional Resources

Beyond its problem-solving prowess, Math Solver is equipped with an impressive database that includes mathematical constants and numerous functions. This repository of information can serve as a valuable reference for students, professionals, or anyone with a curiosity for mathematics. The addition of extra information about graphs generated by the program further contributes to the educational value of Math Solver.

User Interface and Experience

While the software boasts a variety of features, its user interface could benefit from refinement. Users might find that performing certain tasks requires more actions than one would expect, potentially slowing down the workflow. Math Solver operates with multiple windows to display different pieces of information, which might lead to a cluttered desktop environment.

A noteworthy feature is the program's capacity to keep a history of entered expressions. This allows users to revisit or repurpose previous solutions with ease. However, it's important to note that the history is not retained once the program is closed, which could be an inconvenience for those who wish to refer back to prior work.

Updates and Improvements

The developers of Math Solver have made strides to enhance the application by issuing updates that address user needs. Additions like the Numerical Derivative in the 'Calculations' section and updates that provide more detailed solution steps reflect a commitment to improving the mathematical solving experience. The inclusion of new tutorials in the Help section is a boon for newcomers, guiding them through the updated interface of Math Solver II v1.1.

Consistent updates have also introduced technical refinements such as a more precise timer, offering a resolution of up to one microsecond. This, along with additional plot information and various bug fixes, shows that the developers are focused on fostering a user-friendly and comprehensive mathematical tool.


  • Solves a wide spectrum of mathematical problems
  • Visual aids like graphing functions enhance understanding
  • Includes an extensive database of constants and functions
  • History of entered expressions aids in learning and revision
  • Regular updates and user interface improvements


  • The user interface could be more intuitive and streamlined
  • Working with multiple windows may lead to a cluttered desktop
  • Mathematical expression history is not saved after closing the program

In essence, Math Solver is a robust assistant for conquering mathematical challenges. With its diverse capabilities and continuous updates, it stands out as a helpful resource for those seeking to enhance their mathematical skills or simply find solutions to perplexing problems. Despite some interface drawbacks, its strengths in comprehensive problem-solving and educational support make it a valuable tool in the arsenal of anyone working with mathematics.